About Me

Hello, I am Jared! On top of being versatile in both hardware and software, I enjoy discovering and trying new things out. From a software internship by the sunny beaches of Tel Aviv to a semester's exchange in Canada, I enjoy exploring new parts of the world and learning beyond the books. Beyond academics, one of my favorite meaningful hobbies is teaching/tutoring to pay it forward to the community.

Victoria Junior College

National University of Singapore

NUS Overseas Colleges

University of Ottawa

Past Experiences

Currently a final year student in National University of Singapore under the Engineering Scholars Program pursuing a BEng in Computer Engineering. Intending to pursue a Masters, either in Business Analytics or Data Science and Machine Learning.

I am thankful to have multiple overseas stints to expand my horizons and learn from vastly different cultures. Under the NUS Overseas College Program, I did a 6 month stint in Tel Aviv, Israel, where I was a Business Intelligence intern in WSC Sports. Also, I am under the Student Exchange Program with the University of Ottawa, Canada, where I am taking a diversity of Computer Science and Engineering modules. These opportunities to spend nearly half a year in 2 vastly different counties have taught me plenty, and I am excited to share my experiences and apply what I learnt into new contexts. At present, my friends and I are running a small business and being the leader of the tech aspect of this small endeavor excites me, mainly as a hands-on entrepreneurship learning opportunity and to empower others.

Most of my past experiences revolve around Machine Learning, Data Engineering, and generic SWE roles. My current interested future job or internship roles are Data Analytics, Data Science, and Machine Learning. Do feel free to drop me a message or email!

Work Experiences

WSC Sports

Main developer for the creation, development, and maintenance of Airflow: an Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) orchestrator tool. Used Airflow to create pipelines from SQL servers and 3rd party APIs into Snowflake to gather social media data insights from platforms like Youtube and Twitter.

Experience with tools and concepts related to BI and Development Operations (DevOps): Kusto, Rivery, AWS, Kubernetes, Terraform, CI/CD.


Rebuilt the company website as a full-stack junior developer using Vue, Laravel, and PHP.

Assisted in the development of Payment and Order systems.

Defence Science and Technology Agency

Researched on a Machine Learning project regarding maximising car detection rates among satellite imagery by developing and optimising neural networks.

Achieved Finalist in the Singapore Science & Engineering Fair and won Gold in the VJC Science Symposium.


Markerless Hand Gesture Recognition

A Computer Vision project using OpenCV and MediaPipe to recognise basic sign language numbers 1-5 inclusive.

Markerless Hand Tracking and Detection

A Computer Vision project using OpenCV and MediaPipe to detect and track hand movements.

Remote Controlled Car

A real-time operating system remote controlled car running a circuit and playing music while controlled using an ESP32 Wi-Fi microcontroller.

Traveller - Command Line Interface travel application

Developed a command line interface (CLI) travel application that serves as a flight planning optimiser and itinerary scheduler.

Remotely Controlled Search-and-Rescue Robot

A Search-and-Rescue (SAR) Robot that has simple mobility functionalities, colour detection, and environment mapping using Hector SLAM algorithm and Robot Operating System (ROS).


Worked on an independent software project developing a website from scratch teaching cybersecurity concepts to school students in an engaging manner.

Reach Out To Me!

Always happy to connect :)